Monday, 20 October 2014

How we can use Pure Australian Emu Oil, and for what symptoms is it helpful?

Dear Readers,
from now on, we will enter the most important capital for you, how you can use PMEO and for which symptoms it is successful, as we can use proofed records from doctors and laborities and other institutions.

General speaking you can take Emu Oil in form of capsules or as per teaspoon!

Firstly here are a list of areas in which Emu Oil was successful used.

 * Eczema *Psoriasis * Rosacea * Ichthyosis * Hair Loss * Alopecia Areata *  Morbus - Crohn

 * Sciatica *Burns *Arthritis *Cholesterol * Muscle Pain * and much more

The next blog will  prescribe what we know about Eczema.
Don't forget that so far we know only 10% of what Emu Oil can be useful to reduce or - in some cases - solve the problem.

See us here next time