The remarkable properties of Emu Oil are undergoing extensive research from several of the leading Research Institutes and Universities in the United States of America and Australia.
Emu Oil is a highly marketable oil which is currently being introduced by so many health and beauty companies internationally.
Testimonials from users of Australian Emu Oil and studies by credible sources have awakened the world all over to Emu Oil's extraordinary attributes. Emu Oil contains Omega 3, 6, and 9 oils and correctly processes Emu Oil - which is so important - can appear in several colour shades, from crystyal clear to milky white to light yellow in colour.
Comparison of Emu Oil
Australian Emu Oil that is exported to the, in fact, superior in quality for the following reasons:
One of the largest companies utilizing Emu Oil in the U.S. has found the effectiveness of Australian oil to be superior to that of the US oil, in the manufacturing of their product line. Australian's Aboriginals had used Emu oil over 40,000 years, and there is not wonder, the Emu's have in Australia, regardless from which place, in the west or in the east, the best climate and all natural diet, which no country can offer.
There is a higher level of accountability in Australia, from growth of the bird to the final refining process, as their version of the FDA and USDA stricter.
The genetics of the Emus are superior in that each generation of Australian birds exists under the following conditions
Australian Emus United States Emus
Primarily free range Primarily raised in pens and farms
Natural diet resulting in Corn, meat meal, and
increased resistance to disease hydrogenated oils in their diet
No antibiotics necessary Exposed to antibiotics
No growth hormones Exposes to growth hormones
No worming medication Exposes to worming medications
Australian Emus consume a diet that is almost exclusively, and in some cases exclusively, made up of natural leaves, bushes and insects that provide the Emus with a resistance that birds in the USA generally do not have, thus eliminating the need for medications. It becomes apparent from the above chart how inferior genetics could result from generation to generation in US-raised Emus.
Is there a wonder than that most of the European countries are surprised, and couldn't believe it, when we are saying 100% Pure Australian Emu Oil!!!
Both Australian and US Emu produce different types of oil when in different geographic areas. Some of this is due to dietary differences, some due to external. All Australian oil is superior quality. Some lots of oil that may vary in colour appear to be even more biologically active than other lots. There is a biologically active yellow-coloured component presenting most Emu oil, but more abundant in some lots of oil. There have been patents granted by the US. government (to a group of Australian researchers) relating to the anti-inflammatory capabilities of the yellow-coloured component. These Australians have conducted over a decade of research on all this of Emu oil and the genetics of Emus. This yellow shading is very common among batches of facets Australian oil.
The US first-hand observation of the refining process in Australia is that it is unequalled in cleanliness and technology for low-temperature refining compared to the vast majority of processing and the facilities in the US.
The US oil is continuously refrigerated at 34 degrees Fahrenheit in light proof containers giving it an indefinite shelf life.
But there are more further differences between the Australian and the American Emu Oil production and quality:
One of the biggest and well-trained Emu Oil company "Spirit" says that several American leading Emu Oil brands, the so called "blue coloured Emu products" Yes, that's right - they adding blue colouring into their oil) are far away from producing top quality
Some of the companies even boast that their "supper strength" products contain 7 % Emu oil. Compare with ours, of course, we have in our Emu Oil and Emu Oil capsules 3 , 6, 9 Omega nothing less than 100 % pure Emu Oil
The Australian Emu industry can say without to lay:
Nobody can it better than Australia in rendering, quality, farming and nature !!